Webinar: Using AI to Create Quality Instructional Videos

Posted on
June 26, 2024
Billy Mike
from myQuest

This webinar, co-hosted by Kevin Alster and Edan Kertis, will teach you how to:

  • Determine Your Audience: Identify who your viewers are and what they need.
  • Write Engaging Scripts: Employ AI to create engaging and educational scripts.
  • Streamline Video Production: Streamline the development and distribution of your video content using AI.  
  • Acquire Practical Skills: Gain the skills and resources needed to continue producing high-quality educational videos that captivate and educate.  
  • Apply the FOCA Framework: Utilize the 4-part FOCA video creation framework—Foundation, Organization, Content, and Action—to develop videos that achieve optimal learner outcomes.

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