How Eli Cohen Made More Than $200,000 With myQuest

In the last 12 years, Eli Cohen uses methods inspired by masters of martial arts to help alleviate back and neck pain and to nurture health and vitality. Eli was using an online course in his WordPress site to reach out to his students, but was struggling to follow their progress. Prior to myQuest, Eli had no way of knowing how his clients were feeling or doing. After transforming his course into a Quest, the completion rate rose from 30% to 78% while providing better service though the mobile app. Today, Eli has more than 200 customers, each paying $1,111 for the Quest.


About Eli

Eli Cohen uses methods inspired by masters of martial arts to help alleviate back and neck pain and to nurture health and vitality. For the past 12 years, he has been helping people recover their energy, overcome pain, and get back on their feet with the help of group sessions as well as online tutorials.

“With myQuest, I can finally incorporate an interactive aspect and a community-based feel into my course. I can hear about their concerns, give them feedback, and support their positive improvements.”

The Challenges

Until three years ago, Eli was using a WordPress site with a Wishlist plugin to post videos and guide his students through his lessons and routines. However, this method had several problems, the largest being that he could not follow his clients’ progress or know how frequently they were practicing. To see improvement using his program, Eli says practicing every day for 15 minutes is essential. Without the ability to track his students’ consistency, he estimated that only around 30% of them practiced consistently and finished his program.

The Solution

After switching to myQuest, Eli could finally incorporate an interactive aspect and community-based feel into his program. Before, Eli’s followers had to wait a week for the next lesson. He praises that with myQuest students “can move at their own rhythm.” Moreover, Eli can now check his student’s progress through myQuest as well as the community page, hear about their concerns, give feedback, and support their positive improvements. Another asset that impressed Eli was the mobile application because people could practice anywhere and anytime. He considers this to be a “huge advantage” to the advancements his students make since they applaud the accessibility of his program while using it.

“Today, I have more than 200 customers, each paying $1,111 for the Quest. I am excited about the results and will continue to recommend myQuest to anyone looking to create an online program.”

The Results

Eli compliments how now he can measure success, a task that was previously difficult when using WordPress. He can see and hear about how happy people are with the program, with 78% of students completing the program now, in compare to when he was using WordPress and only about 30% of students finished. Today, with more than 200 customers each paying $1,111 for the entire program, he is ecstatic with his results and when asked if he would recommend myQuest to another professional seeking to share their knowledge he responded with an enthusiastic: “Yes, I do it all the time!”

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