How you can use gamification to increase engagement in your course!
If you use technology to teach online, coach clients, or train young professionals, then you know how rewarding it is to help others. However, you may also realize how difficult it can be to keep clients and students engaged.
Two valuable ways to motivate your clients is through recognition and rewards which is seen in gamification. Although gamification can be seen as an oxymoron, it is a way to use games in a serious manner. Gamification utilizes games to incentivize participants in instruction.
Gamification is the process of integrating game mechanics into online learning outlets to motivate participation and make for a more effective learning environment. Gamification takes the data-driven techniques that game designers use to engage players, and applies them to non-game experiences to motivate actions that add value to your business.
By integrating gaming design to your business, gamification has the ability to drive higher engagement with customers, create a community where participants are encouraged, increase brand understanding, and become a long term customer increasing brand loyalty.
Why should you use gamification?
Gamification results in a better learning experience! With high levels of engagement, there will be an increase in recall and retention. When you gamify high value interactions with customers, employees, and partners, you drive more sales, stronger collaboration, better return on investment, deeper loyalty, and higher customer satisfaction.
Most important of all, gamification works! It leverages the motivations and desires that exist in all of us. The learning environment is informal, but effective, resulting in a more enjoyable learning experience that facilitates better knowledge retention. Gamification provides instant feedback so that learners know what they know or what they should know. With repeated retrieval and spaced repetition, gamification can drive strong behavioral change.
How myQuest Utilizes Gamification
myQuest uses the power of games to incentivize your students to make progress. Students will complete Missions, unlock Levels, earn points, and win prizes. myQuest uses small bite size micro learning steps to encourage your learner or coaching client forward, and helps them feel excited to continue learning. This gamified process encourages and motivates users to complete their goals while both learning and having fun.
Point System
- myQuest uses a point system to incentivize users where they earn points through completing missions. The users can then redeem their points and receive a prize determined by the facilitators.
Gamified Interface
- Through microlearning, myQuest helps people achieve their quest through games and quizzes making the tasks seem less intimidating. Through games, users can unlock more levels and receive feedback based on their success in the games.
Progress Tracker
- myQuest records all the missions users have completed and the levels they have unlocked. Along with the point tracker, this helps users stay accountable for all the progress they have made and serves as a sort of proof that they are moving towards the finish line.